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mental health

Stop Burnout By Utilizing Sodium!

Have you ever felt drained, tired, and unable to focus on anything? Do you experience sudden drops in energy levels that affect your daily routine? If yes, then you might be experiencing adrenal insufficiency. This condition affects the adrenal glands' ability to produce hormones that regulate energy levels and blood pressure. Chronic stress, poor sleep, unhealthy lifestyle habits, medical conditions, and dietary factors can all contribute to this condition. However, did you know sodium plays an essential role in adrenal health?

Mercury Toxicity and Bipolar disorder

Could there potentially be a link between bipolar disorder and mercury toxicity? Indeed, the impact of mercury toxicity on bipolar disorder may not be widely recognized. However, a wealth of research suggests that heavy metals or mineral imbalances can significantly impact our mental health. So, exploring the potential connection between these elements has become increasingly relevant.

Is There A Link Between Zinc Deficiency and Eating Disorders?

Challenging the perception that anorexia nervosa is solely about the desire to be thin, this blog explores the complex interplay between mental health, nutrient deficiencies, particularly zinc, and the development of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, one of the deadliest mental health disorders, is often misunderstood.

What Happens When You Don't Prioritize Your Mental Health Hygiene

I know we've all heard the spiel about taking care of our mental health a million times before, but let me tell you something: it's damn important. I get it - we're all busy people with a million and one things on our plate. But ignoring our own needs in favor of getting ahead at work or pushing our feelings to the side isn't doing us any favors.

Why Your Mental Health Hygiene Routine Needs A Makeover

Navigating through mental health can be overwhelming, especially when everyone around you is chirping about the importance of self-care routines. While it's a great thing to see so many people advocate for mental health, it's important to understand that what works for them may not necessarily work for you. 

Breaking the stigma: why mental health hygiene deserves your attention

Mental health hygiene is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it often gets pushed aside. There is an unfortunate stigma surrounding mental health practices that portrays them as less important than other aspects of our health.

Sleep: The One Mental Health Habit You're Probably Skipping

When it comes to taking care of our mental health, we often think of activities such as exercising, spending time with friends, or meditating. But there's one habit that most of us are probably skipping - and it could be one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle: sleep.

The Overlooked Connection: How Physical Hygiene Affects Your Mental State

Did you know that feeling physically unwell can take a toll on our mental health and even change who we are as people? It's truly fascinating how aches, pains, and declining physical health can influence our personality and state of mind.

Why a Consistent Mental Health Routine Matters More Than You Think

Maintaining a healthy mental state is something that not many people prioritize. We often think of physical health first when it comes to being healthy and happy, but mental health is just as important.

Unexpected Signs That Your Mental Health Hygiene Needs Improvement

It's widely believed that mental health issues are only identifiable through clear symptoms like depression, anxiety, mood swings, and social disconnection. However, mental health issues can also manifest themselves in ways that are not immediately apparent.

Uranium On The Rise And How You Can Protect Yourself

Lately we've seen an up-tick of uranium found on people's hair tests and it's become a bit alarming.  Uranium, no mat...

The Connection Between Lithium Deficiency And Suicidal Tendencies

This will be a tough one, but we must talk about. Many people shy away from having the open conversation of self harm...
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