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Why Liquid Nano Minerals?

Why Liquid Nano Minerals?

So why minerals? Why these minerals?

Does it really matter what form they come in?

Why a hair analysis?

How is ANY of this going to help me?

How about a few facts and a story to start off?

Facts: Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life. They are involved in ALMOST ALL enzyme reactions in the body.

Think about that for a second....
Now think about what it MUST mean to optimize your mineral levels in your key organs: your brain, heart, thyroid, adrenal glands?

 The foundation of health and youthfulness lies in adequate mineral intake, ideal mineral ratios and the reduction of heavy metals. 

Without enzyme activity, life does not exist. 

Therefore, anything else you do for your health is great, but minerals must be the foundation and priority.

That being said, we know we're going to get the questions, "But doesn't it matter what form our minerals are in?" 
Here's the thing, let's take for instance magnesium. When we ingest it through food, our body isn't asking for it in a specific form like glycinate, oxide, citrate, malate, etc. Rather, it's just breaking it down and utilizing it accordingly. 

The reason for this is because the body requires the particle size of that mineral to be small enough to be absorbed. Note here that yes, a healthy diet is always necessary, but most people out there are struggling with some type of stress impeding on not just their digestive system, but their ability to synthesize energy in general, hence why we are here to change the game!

Upgraded Formulas has a unique manufacturing process that delivers products for everyone to absorb, use, and feel the difference. This is done through our unique Nano Particle Technology (NPT) where digestion is not required to complete absorption. 

Once they are balanced and replenished, it solves the majority of health issues people attempt in vain to correct by other means. As a past sufferer and now founder of Upgraded I can also attest to this personally. 

So read on, but certainly order one today and retest every 30-60 days if you want optimum health - and who doesn't, right

Even testing once per quarter is very helpful to know where you stand and if you should continue supplementing your current regimen, understand if the dosage should be higher or lower, or different all together because of your body's requirements, based on your level of activity- mental and physical, that is.

Balancing minerals with a hair mineral analysis is imperative to achieve proper mineral ratios.

Hence, again, anything else you do for your health is great, but minerals must be the foundational priority.

Minerals are necessary for proper functioning of the organs and tissues of the body, but some types of minerals such as colloids can store in places in organs and and joints where they’re not supposed to be, often resulting in stiff joints, and prevent proper function.

 Many minerals need to be replenished, while some forms of minerals need to be detoxed if they are forms the body cannot utilize.

Remember how I mentioned forms before? This brings it full circle.

Many of the minerals you pay for are in the wrong form to be properly used by the body, thus leading to an inability to use minerals appropriately. 

Again, lets' provide the example of magnesium. Majority of people supplementing magnesium are utilizing magnesium citrate which is magnesium bound to a citric acid molecule so it can be absorbed because it hasn't been formulated in a way that the magnesium molecule itself is small enough to be absorbed. Citric acid, for close to 99% of supplement companies out there, is derived from genetically modified corn. Doesn't sound too good, right?

Facts such as these are the reason we are so passionate about the technology behind our products - which boast the best mineral absorption rate ever created! Virtually complete absorption that you must feel to believe. 

Here is the science in a snapshot:

After spending over $11,000 in testing methods and supplements in one year, not to mention enduring mountains of fatigue and frustration, despite eating a great diet and doing everything else you are supposed to, the test results where not actionable, so Barton ordered a hair test....

Just like the one we present to you today here.

As health returned so did the ability to think, the income, the ability to pursue goals, and the ability to create new technology to allow minerals to be made into nano particles that vastly increased the amount of support our hair analysis patients could receive.

It was then that Barton, both a Nutritionist and Chemical Engineer found the single highest point of leverage in the body through nutrition was through these nano mineral particles in utilizing NPT that absorbed virtually completely at the cellular level.

This was the genesis of the products that we proudly offer you today which the goal of empowering you to be hero of your own health through providing the right tools for the job and with at-home hair testing to let you know which you need. 

Take this first step with with us toward living optimally and follow us

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Upgraded Formulas

"The Best of What Science Has To Offer." 

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