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How Is Cobalt Necessary For Digestion?

Dealing with bloating or other digestive discomforts is unpleasant for anyone. However, few are aware that cobalt, a lesser-known trace mineral, could play a crucial role in alleviating gut health problems.

What Is Cobalt Important For?

Have you ever wondered about the 'cobalt' marker indicated in your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)? This enigmatic constituent often leaves people curious, leading them to seek knowledge beyond the surface. Commonly, cobalt is associated with our body's digestive capability, especially concerning the absorption of crucial nutrients like vitamin B12. Yet, cobalt encompasses far more than this, significantly maintaining liver health and numerous other vital processes in the body. 

What you SHOULDN'T do while trying to balance your minerals

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and mineral balancing is a nuanced field that is often misunderstood due to its complex nature. At first glance, one might assume that high levels of a mineral indicate an excess, while low levels point to a deficiency; however, this is far from accurate.

What Are The Signs Of Cobalt Deficiency?

Cobalt, although not as famously recognized in the realm of nutritional deficiencies, has an essential and underplayed role in human health. Amidst a tapestry of vital nutrients—sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium—cobalt often finds itself overlooked. Yet, its importance is undeniable and should not be diminished by this lack of public acknowledgment.

Signs of protein malabsorption

Hey there, have you ever stopped to think about how your body is processing the proteins you eat? It's not something we often consider, but it's crucial for our overall health. For some people, poor protein digestion can lead to some significant symptoms and issues. From bloating and gas to fatigue and loss of skin elasticity, struggling with protein digestion can affect far more than just our stomachs

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What Can A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test?

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Constantly Bloated? Check Out These Three Minerals!

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Mineral Antagonists and Synergists

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