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sodium:potassium ratio

Can A Potassium Deficiency Make You Susceptible To A Stroke?

Imagine if eating a banana could help keep you from having a stroke. Sounds crazy, right? But it's not far from the truth. Strokes are a big deal in the U.S., affecting about 7.6 million adults. That's a lot of people! And here's the kicker: many of us need more potassium, a super important mineral that our bodies need. Most Americans only get about half the potassium they should each day. Why does this matter? Well, potassium does a ton of cool stuff in our bodies, from helping our muscles work to keeping our hearts healthy. But the most exciting news? Recent studies show that getting enough potassium helps prevent strokes. 

Can Low Potassium Cause Dry Skin?

Have you ever wondered why your skin feels dry and itchy, even when you drink tons of water? Low potassium levels, an essential electrolyte that helps regulate PH levels and supports amino acids in your skin, might be your missing secret ingredient. This fantastic mineral doesn't just quench your thirst – it helps your body’s cells hold onto water, keeping you hydrated from the inside out. But potassium does way more than that. It's like a superhero for your body, helping your nerves, muscles, heart, and even your bones work better.

What does a four highs pattern mean on an HTMA test

Many individuals undergo hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) primarily to identify potential deficiencies or heavy metal toxicities. However, HTMA can reveal even more significant patterns that provide valuable insights into one's physical and emotional health. We have previously discussed certain patterns like the Bowl Pattern, Step Up Pattern, and L Pattern. In this article, we'd like to focus on the Four Highs Pattern, which sheds light on what's happening within your body on both physical and emotional levels.

Detecting low adrenal activity on an HTMA

The term "adrenal fatigue" has been thrown around a lot in recent years as more people feel the effects of chronic stress. While some may argue that the diagnosis itself doesn't technically exist, it's important to note that prolonged stress can certainly impact the efficiency of our adrenal glands. 

Could Your Prostate Issue Be A Mineral Imbalance?

Did you know that by the age of 60, 50% of men will have an enlarged prostate, and by 85 that percentage will sky roc...
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