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Ship Safe Package Protection Policy

Ship Safe covers lost, stolen, and damaged items that fit the following criteria. Review the policies to understand what lost, stolen, and damaged items Ship Safe will cover.    

Lost Items Policies

Packages presumed to be lost

  • Order issues for packages presumed to be lost by the carrier (where the status is not "delivered") must be filed no sooner than 7 days after the last tracking update for United States domestic shipments (20 days for international shipments, including Canada unless a Canadian merchant is shipping within Canada in which case the 7 day domestic shipment timeline applies) and within 30 days from the last checkpoint.

Estimated Delivery Date

  • After 48 hours has passed from an estimated delivery date given from the carrier, and no delivery or update has been made, Ship Safe will consider the order to be "lost" and assist with next steps. 

Invalid address or delivery barriers

  • Sometimes carriers cannot deliver the customer’s package due to an invalid address or other unexpected delivery barriers. At this point, the carrier might return the package to the sender. The customer’s package is not actually lost, thus Ship Safe does not cover this. 

Only part of the order delivered

  • If the customer ordered several items in one package but only part of the order arrived and there is no evidence of tampering, Ship Safe does not cover the order issue.
  • If a single order is being shipped in multiple packages and one package does not arrive, Ship Safe will cover the order issue and reorder or refund the value of the undelivered package.

Packages labeled "return to sender"

  • Ship Safe does not cover packages labeled return to sender because the order has been sent back. Items are returned to sender when a customer provides an invalid or undeliverable address or refuses a delivery. 

Order stuck in customs

  • Ship Safe cannot cover when a customer’s order is stuck in international borders/customs.
  • The customer’s next step is to pay the customs fees in order to receive the package.
  • If Ship Safe replaces something the customer has already paid customs on, under Ship Safe’s discretion, Ship Safe can approve and pay customs the second time.

Stolen Items Policies

Delivered but Missing Package

  • Order issues for packages marked "delivered" yet not received are considered stolen, and must be filed 5 days after “delivery date” but no longer than 15 days to ensure it was not mis-delivered or easily found around the premises.

Delivered to wrong address

  • If the customer input the correct address at checkout and the package was delivered to the wrong address, Ship Safe considers this as stolen and we will replace the order on behalf of the customer.

Damaged Items Policies

Damaged Item Arrived

  • Order Issues for damaged orders must be filed within 15 days of the delivery date. 

Broken items

  • If the customer received a broken item and needs to dispose of it (i.e. shattered glass), the customer does not need to ship it back.

Damaged items

  • A damaged item is considered to be a broken product that is unusable, clearly fractured, shattered, bent (if not bendable), crushed, etc.
  • Ship Safe does not cover cosmetic damage (scratches, dents, etc.), manufacturing damages, packaging errors, or unsealed items. 
  • Ship Safe requires further evidence of the customer’s damaged item (i.e. more photos, videos, etc.).

Subscription items

  • For existing subscriptions where your customers have purchased Ship Safe, if any of your customer's items in the subscription were lost, stolen, or damaged in transit and can be purchased individually, Ship Safe will reorder them. If the items cannot be purchased, then Ship Safe will refund the items.

Out of stock

  • Ship Safe can offer the customer a refund for the item that is out of stock. The customer can always use that refund to order the item when it’s back in stock.

General Policies

Input wrong address

  • If the customer entered the wrong address at the time of order, Ship Safe does not cover this.

Quality control

  • If the customer is unsatisfied with their product, Ship Safe is not a product replacement plan and the order issue cannot be approved.

Expedited shipping hasn't arrived 

  • If the customer’s package is delayed for whatever reason, Ship Safe will not cover it.
  • Carriers update their website with expected delays due to inclement weather or other barriers to expected delivery.
  • If the customer paid for expedited shipping but the package arrives outside of the expected window, Ship Safe will not cover it.

Package in Pre-Shipment

  • Ship Safe reserves the right to deny order issues where package tracking is marked as "pre-shipment".

Closed order issues

  • If a customer does not respond within 5 days, Ship Safe will automatically close the order issues. Customers can open the order issues back up by responding to the original thread.

Didn't want Ship Safe

  • If the customer’s package has not shipped, Ship Safe can refund the Ship Safe premium.
  • If the item has shipped, Ship Safe is already protecting the package and cannot refund the customer.


  • This insurance attaches from the time the goods insured commence transit and/or are located anywhere incidental to transit and continues during the ordinary course of transit until transportation terminates at final destination or the Assured’s interest ceases, whichever occurs first. 

Claims Reporting Time Frame(s) 

It is understood and agreed that the following timelines for claims transmittal must be adhered to in order for a claim to be processed: 

  • Claims for packages presumed to be lost by the carrier, where the status is not “delivered” must be filed no sooner than 7 days after the scheduled delivery date for domestic shipments (and 20 days for international shipments), but not later than 30 days from the last checkpoint.
  • Claims for packages marked by the carrier as “delivered” must be filed within 15 days from the date and time shown by carrier as delivered. In the event of theft, Underwriters may require a police report to be filed with the local authorities and/or a signed affidavit attesting to the theft of the covered property. Security video, showing evidence of theft, may substitute for a police report and/or an affidavit.
  • All other claims should be filed as soon as discovered but in no event later than 30 days from the purchase date. 

General Coverage Exclusions 

This coverage does not insure against any loss, damage or expense attributable to or caused by: 

  1. Small amount of leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the goods insured.
  2. Willful misconduct, infidelity, conversion or dishonest acts of the Assured, or the Assured’s employees, whether committed alone or in collusion with others. 
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