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Prioritize Your Mental Health Hygiene

What Happens When You Don't Prioritize Your Mental Health Hygiene

What Happens When You Don't Prioritize Your Mental Health Hygiene


I know we've all heard the spiel about taking care of our mental health hygiene a million times before, but let me tell you something: it's damn important. I get it - we're all busy people with a million and one things on our plate. But ignoring our own needs in favor of getting ahead at work or pushing our feelings to the side isn't doing us any favors. We all have our own inner demons to battle, but we can't let them consume us. It's time to start taking our mental health seriously, folks.


It's quite a thing that we hear often. That it's important to take care of our mental health. But how many of us actually know why? You see, the reality is that many people overlook the importance of mental health in their daily lives, and it's a common occurrence that can lead to all sorts of negative consequences. There's just no way to cut corners when it comes to your own well-being. Ultimately, it's about living a good life, and you just can't do that if your mental health is in shambles. So, take some time to understand why taking care of your mental health is so important – it could make a world of difference in the long run.


Understanding Mental Health

Our mental health is of utmost importance and cannot be underestimated. It’s more than just being happy or content with ourselves or life. It’s about having a stable state of mind that allows us to feel comfortable, safe, and confident. It shapes the way we communicate with others and build relationships, manage work and handle stressful environments. Neglecting our mental health can lead to negative consequences not only in our personal lives but our physical health as well. It’s essential to take care of what’s going on in our minds so that we can utilize our personality, confidence, state of mind and enthusiasm to achieve our goals and create positive outcomes in life.


Now, I understand that some of you may be thinking that relationships aren't all that important, and I get it, being independent is great. And some of you might even thrive in stressful environments, using stress as a sort of distraction. But when it comes to mental health, I've gotta tell you, saying it doesn't affect you physically is a load of bull. Look, I don't mean to sound harsh, but let's be real here - mental health issues can wreak havoc on your body. Trust me, I've been there. So, if you're struggling, don't try to downplay it. Instead, seek help and take care of yourself. You're worth it.


The Importance of Mental Health Hygiene

Do you know what's just as important as brushing your teeth? You might be thinking, "Uh, nothing." But you're wrong! Taking care of your mental health should be just as important as maintaining good oral hygiene. Think about it: when you brush and floss your teeth, you're preventing cavities and infections from taking root in your mouth, which can lead to all sorts of health problems down the road.

The same goes for your mental health! By taking care of your emotional and psychological well-being, you're setting yourself up for a healthier, happier life in the long run. Plus, did you know that good oral hygiene can reduce your risk of heart disease, cognitive degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, and infections? So let's all make a pact to take care of ourselves inside and out!


The Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

I know all too well the frustration of experiencing strange symptoms with no clear physical cause. It’s like your body is trying to send you a message in some sort of cryptic code that no one else can read. You try eating healthier, exercising more, and getting more sleep, but the symptoms persist. It’s as if your body and mind are disconnected, and it can be incredibly isolating. I’ve experienced everything from stomach pain to neck pain and beyond, and I’ve found myself asking repeatedly, “What gives?” But as frustrating as it can be, I’ve learned that it’s important not to give up on finding answers. Our bodies are complex and interconnected, and it often takes some trial and error to figure out what’s going on. So if you’re feeling lost and frustrated, take heart – you’re not alone in this journey.


Have you ever had those days where everything just feels off? Like no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to shake off the clouds hanging over your head? It's not just in your head - your mental health hygiene might just be a bit off. But don't fret just yet - it's not uncommon. Life gets in the way sometimes, and it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves. The thing is, though, neglecting our mental health can have a real and negative impact on how we feel physically. So it's important to take a moment every so often to check in with ourselves, see where we're at, and recalibrate if needed..


The Physiological Effects of Chronic Stress

Let's start with you facing a stressor. It doesn't have to be something major, just the everyday work grind where you have a bit too many assignments to handle. It's part of the job, you knew that when you accepted it, but it still adds extra weight to your mind. When we're in a state of mild but chronic stress, your body eventually realizes that sending out acute signals like elevated cortisol isn't worth the energy. Instead, your body wants to adapt and conserve energy for important functions like keeping your heart rate steady and your breathing in check.


In order to keep your nervous system calm, it will have to downregulate your phosphorus levels and elevate your calcium levels in the body because calcium naturally sedates the nervous system whereas phosphorus over stimulates it. This is when things start getting interesting. If calcium is continuously being utilized to keep you calm and not burning through your energy stores, we have to ask ourselves where is calcium even being found? Your bones and teeth. So what does this mean? Your body is slowly breaking down your structure to accumulate calcium in your soft tissue to physically slow you down.

How Chronic Stress Impacts our Adrenal and Thyroid Functions

When our nervous system slows down, the adrenals kick in. They rely on sodium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. In intense situations, like running from a bear, sodium is used up for an energy boost. Aldosterone helps with this, and cortisol also rises and depletes potassium stores. As for stressors, they burn through magnesium to keep the body calm. But when the adrenals are overwhelmed and the stress persists, they start to slow down due to mineral depletion. This is known as "adrenal fatigue," which brings symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, low motivation, depression, frequent urination, and blood sugar issues.


Once the adrenals are down the thyroid tries to take over as a last line of defense. Our thyroid gland requires many different minerals such as iodine, selenium, zinc, potassium, calcium and copper, but it doesn’t work alone. In order to even utilize thyroid hormone we need to convert the inactive hormone we produce in the thyroid gland to active in our liver, gut and kidneys. So we now have many different systems on overdrive.


Symptoms of Poor Mental Health Hygiene

I've seen firsthand what can happen when you neglect this crucial part of your wellbeing. Poor digestion, hair loss, cold extremities- it's all connected. And don't even get me started on hormonal imbalances and mood swings. These symptoms can snowball and lead to even more serious issues like acne, insomnia, poor recovery, and low immunity. Trust me, the list goes on and on. It's time to start taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. And in my opinion, mental health should be at the very top of that priority list.

How to Prioritize Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health doesn't have to break the bank. Just like how the saying goes, sometimes less is more. There are plenty of free and simple ways to start managing your stress. Breathing techniques, grounding exercises, and releasing emotions through a somatic approach are just a few examples. Maintaining a consistent sleep routine and getting outside, surrounded by nature's greenery, can also do wonders. It's important to remember that you don't have to go all out to start prioritizing your mental health. The key is finding what works for you, and taking small steps towards a healthier and happier you. Read here to know how to create a mental health routine.


In conclusion, mental health is not a luxury, but a vital aspect of overall well-being. It's an intricate part of our lives that significantly impacts our relationships, work, and physical health. Ignoring it can lead to a cascade of imbalances and symptoms that can affect our daily lives. Therefore, prioritizing mental health hygiene is essential. Simple techniques like mindful breathing, grounding exercises, and spending time in nature can make a significant difference. In addition, getting a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can provide valuable insights into your mineral balance and guide personalized recommendations for improving your mental health. Remember, taking care of your mental health isn't selfish—it's necessary. Your mind, body, and those who care about you will thank you for it. Run a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with us here!

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