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vitamin b1

What Nutrients Do We Need To Make Stomach Acid?

Ever think about why your stomach hurts after eating too much? This is not just annoying; low gastric acid and low levels of stomach acid are crucial for your health and play a significant role in the digestive process! Your stomach needs to have much stomach acid, enough hydrochloric acid to break down food and absorb nutrients. 

Can Vitamin B6 Help With Anxiety?

Have you ever pondered over the possibility that selective B vitamins might have the potential to alleviate anxiety? It's commonly known that most B-complex supplements available in the market are promoted predominantly for their role in boosting energy levels. However, what might surprise you is each B vitamin's distinctive role when we dissect the complex, shedding light on its unique influence over various bodily functions.

Need A Memory Boost? Read this!

Have you ever felt as though you're on the verge of losing your sanity? Frustrated as you forget where you've placed your keys, the date of an important meeting, or even your partner's birthday? Don't fret, this is a common occurrence experienced by most of us. Do you know, however, that there are certain nutrients that are scientifically proven to aid in enhancing cognitive function and improving memory?

Potassium And Nutrient Interactions

Potassium doesn't play alone. It's got friends. That being said, not all friends support potassium, sometimes they ca...
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