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red blood cells

Can Fish Be A Source Of Mercury Toxicity?

Ever wonder if that tasty fish on your plate might be hiding a secret? Well, it turns out that some fish can pack more than just omega-3s - they might also be carrying mercury. In this blog, we're going to dive into the world of fish and mercury. We'll explore why some fish have more mercury than others, how it can affect your health, and what you can do to enjoy seafood safely. 

How Does Copper Help Me With Low Red Blood Cell Count And How To Build More RBCs

If you're frequently told that your red blood cells (RBC) count is low during blood work, it can be concerning. While it's understandable to assume that low iron levels could be the culprit, there's a chance that there could be more to the stor

The Benefits Of Testosterone

If you're a man, you're probably always looking to bio hack ways in maintaining or increasing your testosterone level...
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