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Magnesium: Upgraded Formulas Double Blind Clinical Trial Results

At Upgraded Formulas, we don't just offer supplements; we provide innovative solutions for wellness and vitality. Rooted in rigorous scientific research and commitment to quality, our products are designed to transform and enhance lives. Every supplement we produce is a testament to our unwavering belief in the remarkable efficacy of our formulations.

Can Vitamin B6 Help With Magnesium Absorption?

It's an all too familiar situation: despite taking substantial daily doses of magnesium sulfate supplements, ranging in hundreds or even thousands of milligrams, your distressing symptoms persist. Be it anxiety, depression, leg cramps, insomnia, or hormonal imbalances - your magnesium levels appear to be stuck in a rut.

Magnesium: Avoiding Bowel Problems and Improving Health

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we often hear about the multifaceted benefits of a potent mineral – Magnesium. Today, we will chat about magnesium's remarkable role in regulating bowel movements. As an essential mineral, magnesium is pivotal in various bodily processes, including bowel regulation.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms & Causes

While calcium and vitamin deficiencies typically command the spotlight in discussions surrounding nutritional deficiencies, Magnesium deficiency - known medically as hypomagnesemia - is a silent crippler to your body's health. Alarmingly, over half the population (around 57%) is grappling with this essential dietary requirement inadequacy. In older people, magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Can Sodium Help With Obesity?

Sodium, a mineral commonly associated with high blood pressure and heart disease, is often demonized in the context of weight loss and obesity. However, the truth is that sodium plays a crucial role in our health and can actually help in the battle against obesity. Understanding the facts and dispelling the misconceptions surrounding sodium is essential for making informed dietary choices and promoting overall well-being. 

Potassium: The body's mineral for power

We've all heard about how potassium is important for muscle contractions, heart health and nerve conduction, but do w...
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