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hair tissue mineral analysis

Can You Use Other Than Scalp Hair For An HTMA?

Can you use any other type of hair other than scalp hair for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)? We get this quest...

Is An HTMA Worth It?

Have you ever thought if a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is worth it? There are so many tests practitioners thr...

Checking Hormonal Imbalances Via Hair Testing

Did you know that you can peek into what your steroid hormones are doing by simply looking to the Zn:Cu ratio on a Ha...

The Step Up Pattern On An HTMA

When looking to a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) it's important to understand that just looking at minerals inde...

Can Children Do Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?

We would like to think our children are immune to getting sick because they're so vibrant, innocent and have built re...

Interpreting Chromium On An HTMA

Not sure what your chromium levels mean on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)? Don't you worry, we got you!But fir...

The Bowl Pattern On An HTMA

We all know what a bowl looks like right? An object that technically looks leveled, but if we were to perceive it thr...

What Can A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test?

According to allopathy, blood testing is the best method of testing to discovering any deficiencies, hormonal imbalan...

How To Detox Heavy Metals-The Right Way

If you haven't read our two most recent articles all about how metals and minerals have an intimate relationship, as ...

The Dangers Of Chelation Therapy

We've all heard about chelation therapy and how it is very popular in the mineral world- probably one of the most wid...

An Introduction To Ionic Mimicry

Have you ever been in a situation where you could have sworn you saw your doppelganger? It's like "Wait, what? WHO WA...
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