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Hair Mineral Analysis Test: Do You Need It?

Hair Mineral Analysis Test: Do You Need It?

Hair Mineral Analysis Test: Do You Need It?


Hair mineral analysis is a test that measures the amount of essential minerals and toxic metals in your body. It can help identify nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and other health issues. If you’re considering a hair mineral analysis test, here’s what you need to know.


What Is Hair Mineral Analysis?

Hair mineral analysis is a lab test that measures the amount of essential minerals and toxic metals in your body. It’s a non-invasive way to look at your overall health, since minerals and metals are found in the hair follicles. The test looks at the levels of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper. This is important to measure, for minerals directly influence the state of our health. The way it works is that minerals are the spark plugs to our cells in helping synergize and create enzymatic reactions, hormones, processes in the body, etc. 

It also looks at the levels of toxic metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and aluminum. Metals are non essential elements that the body doesn’t need in order to function and stay healthy, however they are present in our world and have a direct effect on minerals through a science called ionic mimicry. Ionic mimicry is similar to something called ionomics, which is when the body's essential minerals are not present or not at sufficient levels and the body chooses instead to use other nutrients (like metals) as a replacement to keep functioning. We have a whole blog about it here

if you’d like to read. The reason for this happening can be two fold: the individual is overtly exposed to metals, pushing out minerals, or the individual is deficient in an essential mineral and the body chooses to supplement the metal as a replacement to keep functioning. This is because some metals and minerals look molecularly similar in molecular weight or functioning characteristics, and as a means to always continue to work, the body will choose to substitute them temporarily.


This test is different from a blood test, which measures the levels of minerals in your bloodstream. Blood is simply a highway for nutrients to get from point A to point B. It is not a destination. Hair mineral analysis is more accurate in determining the levels of minerals in your body over a longer period of time for it resembles a tissue biopsy, for hair strands are human tissue. Minerals play a major role in certain body systems such as our adrenals, thyroid, nervous system, steroid hormone production, immune system, digestion, blood sugar, and more. By looking at one's mineral and metal status, as well as the ratios between these two, one can then start making correlations to diseases and symptoms.  It’s also more sensitive to changes in your levels of minerals and metals, and can help identify nutritional deficiencies or heavy metal toxicity that might not be detected in a blood test.

Do I Need A Hair Mineral Analysis Test?

A hair mineral analysis test can be beneficial for anyone interested in learning more about their overall health. Reason being is because minerals are so essential that in order to maintain health they should be checked often (similar to a routine check up) and in order to get better, they must be balanced. In fact, we would even press that if you are unwell, checking minerals should be your priority, for most health issues are related to mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity.

It can help identify underlying issues that may have gone unnoticed and provide insight into how your body is functioning. It can also be helpful for people who are looking to make dietary changes or improve their nutrition. The results of the test can provide valuable information that can help you make better decisions about your health.

It can also be useful for people who want to check their exposure to toxic metals. Since many toxic metals are found in our environment, it’s important to know if they’re present in your body. A hair mineral analysis test can help you determine your exposure level and take steps to reduce it, if needed.

What Can A Hair Mineral Analysis Test Tell Me?

A hair mineral analysis test can provide a wealth of information about your overall health. It can tell you if you have any mineral deficiencies, if you’re incapable of utilizing or retaining minerals, and if you have heavy metal toxicity. It can also provide insight into different body systems like your nervous system, thyroid, adrenal glands, endocrine system, blood sugar, digestive health, immune system and more.

What Can I Do With The Results?

It’s always recommended to work with someone who specializes in hair testing for the very reason that reading a hair mineral analysis is not straight forward and requires a lot of education. That being said, once you receive the results of a hair mineral analysis test, you can use the information to make better decisions about your health. If you have any mineral deficiencies, you can use the results to make dietary changes. If you’re exposed to toxic metals, you can take steps to reduce your exposure. The results of the test can help you take control of your health and make informed decisions about your wellbeing.

Where Can I Get A Hair Mineral Analysis Test?

The best way to access a hair mineral analysis test is through us by simply clicking the link here


A hair mineral analysis test can provide valuable insight into your health and help identify any underlying issues. It can tell you if you have any mineral deficiencies, if you’re exposed to toxic metals, and if you have heavy metal toxicity. It’s a non-invasive way to look at your overall health and make better decisions about your wellbeing. If you’re considering a hair mineral analysis test, talk to your practitioner to see if it’s right for you.

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