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Can Calcium Help With Digestion?

Can Calcium Help With Digestion?

Did you know calcium can help with your digestion?

While many people look to things such as digestive enzymes, ox bile, hydrochloric acid, which can all help with digestion, breaking down nutrients and managing any digestive distress, there are essential nutrients that can help with this, and one of them can be calcium!

Typically, when people think of calcium, they think of skeletal health, in regards to the bones and teeth, but calcium can do so much more, and help with the process of digesting our food.

It plays a crucial role in muscle function, helping muscles contract and relax properly. Calcium is also important for nerve signaling, allowing the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Additionally, it aids in blood clotting, ensuring wounds heal effectively, and supports heart health by regulating the heartbeat.

But for digestion? Calcium Calcium plays an important role in digestion by supporting the function of digestive enzymes, regulating muscle contractions in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and helps maintain the proper balance of stomach acid.

Calcium plays a key role in activating digestive enzymes by acting as a cofactor, which means it helps certain enzymes function properly. Many enzymes in the digestive system rely on calcium to trigger their activity, allowing them to break down food efficiently. For example, calcium helps activate proteases, which are enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids for absorption. It also contributes to the function of lipases, which digest fats, and amylases, which process carbohydrates. Additionally, calcium helps regulate the secretion of enzymes from the pancreas, ensuring that the right amount is released for proper digestion. Without sufficient calcium, these enzymes may not work as effectively, leading to digestive issues and poor nutrient absorption.

In regards to regulating muscle contractions,  calcium can help activate peristalsis, the wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract. It helps regulate the contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles lining the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. When calcium enters muscle cells, it binds to proteins like calmodulin, triggering a chain reaction that leads to muscle contraction. This process is essential for pushing food from the esophagus to the stomach and through the intestines for proper digestion and absorption. Additionally, calcium helps maintain the balance of neurotransmitters that signal the muscles to contract in a coordinated manner. Without adequate calcium, peristalsis can become weak or irregular, potentially leading to digestive issues like constipation or bloating.

As for how calcium can help regulate stomach acidity, it influences the production of gastric acid. It stimulates the release of gastrin, a hormone that signals the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl), which is essential for breaking down food and killing harmful bacteria. By maintaining the right level of stomach acid, calcium supports proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Additionally, calcium can act as a natural antacid, neutralizing excess stomach acid and providing temporary relief from acid reflux or heartburn. This is why calcium carbonate is commonly used in over-the-counter antacid medications.

But wait, we’re not done, calcium also plays a role in bile acid metabolism.

Calcium plays a role in bile acid metabolism by binding to bile acids in the intestines and helping regulate their reabsorption. Bile acids are produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, where they aid in the digestion and absorption of fats. When calcium binds to bile acids in the intestines, it can help prevent their excessive reabsorption into the bloodstream. This process contributes to maintaining a healthy balance of bile acids and may also reduce the risk of conditions like gallstones or high cholesterol. Additionally, calcium can bind to fatty acids and bile acids to form insoluble compounds, which are then excreted in the stool, potentially lowering the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the body. This interaction between calcium and bile acids highlights calcium’s role in digestive health and fat metabolism.

All in all, calcium is more than just for our bones and teeth, so if you’re struggling with low calcium in any way, you may consider adding some extra supplementation in with our Upgraded Calcium.

But how do you know if you’re in need of extra calcium? Consider running a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) with us by clicking here today and verifying your mineral status which can help to determine if you need more calcium or of another mineral! 


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