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Should You Supplement Vitamin D Or Not?

For those newly exploring the world of health and wellness, you might find it surprising to encounter a prevailing rumor - supplementing with Vitamin D is considered dangerous and should be avoided. The word to focus here, however, is "never". It's essential to approach this blanket statement with caution.

Are you iron deficient when pregnant?

Are you aware of the potential hazard of developing iron deficiency or anemia during pregnancy? It's quite alarming that around 52% of expectant women receive a diagnosis of iron deficiency. Often, they have limited comprehension of the changes occurring in their bodies, leading to a sense of confoundment.

Top 4 nutrient deficiencies causing you to be vitamin D deficient

You might be frustrated if you diligently follow all the rules for getting enough vitamin D, but your blood labs keep coming back with low levels. You make a genuine effort to get outside in the sun every day, eat vitamin D rich foods, and supplement when your levels get too low, so why aren't you seeing any changes? Don't worry; it's not your fault.

These Vitamins Might Be Keeping Your Potassium Down!

Are you struggling with thyroid issues?Cold hands and feet? Constipation?Blood sugar imbalances?Energy?Brain fog?Mayb...

Is It Your Thyroid Or Is It Arsenic Toxicity?

Did you know that many people nowadays are walking around with arsenic toxicity and not even knowing it?  It's a comm...

Are You Truly Iron Deficient?

Is it possible that your diagnosis of anemia isn't actually an iron deficiency but something else?Approximately  mill...
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