Sick and Tired of Feeling Drained, Out Of Shape and “Not In The Mood?”
Discover How A Potent Toxin In Your Fridge, Shower & Cabinet Is Crippling Your Libido, Giving You A Gut And Causing Constant Fatigue…
And How You Can Use An 1,000 Year Old Malaysian Root To Block This Toxin & Supercharge Your Sex Drive, Lose The Stubborn Belly Fat...And Have Boundless Energy
Dear reader,
What’s happened to Men today?
In our society it’s common for men in their 30’s and 40’s to lose their sex drive, wake up exhausted everyday and have soft doughy bodies...
But it wasn’t always this way…
Men from 70 years ago remained lean and strong with a powerful sense of drive, confidence and sexual vitality into their 60’s…
They raised kids and led families while excelling at their jobs and still went in the backyard to chop firewood to keep the family warm.
A potent toxin was introduced into our everyday lives that damages men’s sexual performance and libido, energy and robs them of vigor…
• Performance issues in the bedroom that require a little blue pill…
• Slumps in your sex drive that make you uninterested in sex...
• Feeling flat like you’ve lost the excitement in your life...
• Fatigue that feels like your power cord has been unplugged…
• Confidence and drive that have withered over the past few years…
• A growing spare tire around your stomach…
And you're a man in his 30’s or 40’s - I urge you to keep reading… Because contrary to what you’ve heard - feeling run down all the time or losing interest in sex IS NOT a “natural part of getting older” at 30 or 40.
Before we can get to that…
This toxin isn’t something you’ll hear about on the news, in the media or magazines because they haven’t done their research.
So, it's up to you to take action on what I share today and reclaim what’s been missing in your bedroom...and life!
When it comes to how men look, feel and perform there’s one thing that controls it all inside your body...
Now, don’t get me wrong…
Testosterone is the most important hormone for men when it comes to libido, energy, building muscle and getting a strong erection…
The potent toxin we discussed is responsible for sabotaging two key hormones you need as a man.
First, it’s causing your generation's testosterone levels to plummet far below any previous generation of men...
(This graph from a study published in 2007 named "A Population Level Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels In American Men")
Yes, estrogen… the female hormone.
Now, contrary to what you’ve heard, estrogen isn’t a “bad hormone” for men...
In fact, all men need a certain amount of estrogen just like women need a certain amount of testosterone.
However, these two hormones need to be balanced in your body.
Unfortunately, in the last few decades mens estrogen levels have skyrocketed, while testosterone levels have dropped off a cliff…
The exact opposite of what men need. And it’s all because...
The Chemical Toxin Flooding Your Bloodstream Can Turn Testosterone Into Estrogen.
The raw materials used to create testosterone can actually be forced down a different path and get turned into estrogen by this toxin…
Not only that, but it also has the ability to act like estrogen in your body and block testosterone from working.
So how does this poisonous chemical get in your body?
Food, water, and hygiene products contain numerous chemicals that have been proven to:
• Convert testosterone to estrogen…
• Act like estrogen in your body…
• Lower testosterone and block it from working...
All your food has been exposed to fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that disrupt your hormones, and act like estrogen in your body.
Plastics from tupperware, ziplock bags, water bottles and cups contain chemicals proven to convert testosterone into estrogen.
Your tap water contains a reservoir of estrogen boosting chemicals from farm runoff and chemicals used in water processing plants..
Then when you take a shower and you’re rubbing chemicals on your skin that act like estrogen and lower your testosterone.
Each time you take a sip of water, eat a meal or hop in the shower you’re bathing your body inside and out with testosterone disruptors…
These ALL either mimic estrogen, convert testosterone to estrogen or reduce your natural testosterone levels.
Let's start with the most damaging of these three testosterone disruptors…
This is the most important thief of your testosterone for one large reason…
Aromatase forces your body to convert your natural testosterone into estrogen.
"Aromatase-independent testosterone conversion into estrogenic steroids is inhibited by a 5 alpha- reductase inhibitor"
Toshio Ishikawa 1, Christine Glidewell-Kenney, J Larry Jameson
> J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2006 Feb;98(2-3):133-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2005.09.004. Epub 2005 Dec 28.
The study above said:
That means you can be making an abundance of testosterone, but due to excess aromatase in your body…
That would be bad enough on its own, but we have two more testosterone disruptors you need to know about...
You’ve probably heard of Bisphenol A before - but it’s commonly called BPA.
Phthalates are a lesser known chemical, but they’re just as damaging to your testosterone levels as BPA.
BPA and Phthalates are both used in plastics for food containers, water bottles, cups, canned foods and hygiene products like shampoo and soap…
So unfortunately men end up eating, drinking and rubbing these chemicals all over their skin everyday…
And this causes two massive threats to your natural testosterone levels....
• Erectile Dysfunction
• Lower sex drive
• Infertility and low sperm count
• Gaining weight around the stomach and gynecomastia (man boobs)
• Depression and sleep issues
• Loss of energy and decreased muscle mass
"Estrogenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disruptin chemicals and their impact on the male reproductive system"
> Front. Environ. Sci., 17 February 2015 Sec. Environmental Toxicology, Maria De Falco2", Maurizio Forte1.2 and Vincenza Laforgia12
These three testosterone disruptors combined leave men in their 30’s and 40’s regularly...
• Relying on little blue pills to perform in the bedroom…
• Wondering why they don’t want to get frisky as much...
• Dragging through the day with zero energy or Vigor…
• Not enjoying life as much as they used to…
• And seeing their gut grow as they lose muscle and feel weaker...
But, here’s some simple steps to reduce these chemicals and toxins in your everyday life:
• Avoid drinking or eating out of any plastic
• Switch to organic, grass fed and cage free foods
• Swap tap water for spring water
• Limit the foods you eat from cans or that are wrapped in plastic
• Exchange soaps and shampoos for BPA & phthalate free options
Now, I know doing ALL of the above is expensive, time consuming and requires monk-like discipline…
But the good news is you don’t have to do everything above to restore your natural hormonal balance anymore...
I have an all natural 30 second solution that detoxes your body of excess estrogen & boosts your testosterone levels…
This 30 second solution has nothing to do with injecting synthetic testosterone or taking some sketchy supplement either.
I actually created this solution for men because...
Today it’s impossible to avoid every source of these toxic chemicals that steal your natural testosterone…
And I wanted to create a product that could help men safeguard their hormones, body and brain against the chemical storm we all live in.
This is why for the past two years I’ve been working with Fon Walters, an expert in men's health and a 17 year veteran of formulating natural evidence based supplements…
My name is Barton Scott and I’m the Founder of Upgraded Formulas, A Biochemist and International Health Speaker.
Chemical Engineer and Nutritionist
Founder of Upgraded Formulas
So you can easily rejuvenate your sex drive and performance, boost your energy levels and live with the confidence you deserve.
Behind the scenes, Fon and I have been testing and refining this product for two years ensuring it's as potent as possible for the men who need it…
Upgraded T uses a powerful combination of 5 raw all natural ingredients to block excess estrogen, and boost your testosterone…
Let’s take a look at the ingredients:
The primary ingredient in Upgraded Testosterone is a 1,000 year old Malaysian Root…
This root is found in the Rainforests of Malaysia and has been used for ages to help men with sexual vitality and boosting testosterone…
Tongkat Ali has become popular lately because of its scientifically backed ability to consistently boost testosterone levels…
"Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma Longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism"
> Andrologia. 2012 May; 44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x.Epub.2011 Jun 15.
M|B M Tambi, M K Imran, R R Henke
In the study above 76 older men with low testosterone took 200mg of LJ100 (Tongkat Ali) everyday for one month…
Another study also showed thatTongkat Ali blocked estrogen just as well as the pharmaceutical grade estrogen blocker Tamoxifen.
Tongkat Ali increases your testosterone and drops estrogen to boost libido, energy and help with stronger longer lasting erections…
But, you still want to prevent your testosterone from being turned into estrogen by the damaging chemicals I mentioned…
That’s why our next ingredient was added - To prevent your testosterone from being turned into estrogen.
The Second Powerful Ingredient Is Enovita Grape Seed Extract.
Grape Seed Extract (GSE) is a secret ingredient no other product uses to block aromatase so your testosterone doesn’t get converted to estrogen.
Here’s what a few studies had to say about GSE blocking aromatase:
A 2006 study in the Journal of Cancer Research said:
“Grape seed extract (GSE) contains high levels of procyanidin dimers that have been shown in our laboratory to be potent inhibitors of aromatase”
"Suppression of estrogen in red wine and grape seeds"
> Elizabeth T Eng, Jing Jing Ye, Dudley Williams, Sheryl Ohung, Roger E Moore, Mary K Young, Ugis Gruntmains,
Glenn Braunstein, Shiuan Chen | Cancer Res. 2003 Dec 1;63(23):8516-22.
And this 2003 study said this about how GSE blocks aromatase:
“A wine extract fraction (GSE) was recently isolated from red wine that exhibited a potent inhibitory action on aromatase activity.”
Your body probably makes enough testosterone…
But due to eating, drinking and washing your body with toxic chemicals your testosterone is converted into estrogen.
Grape Seed Extract powerfully prevents that from happening in your body.
Shilajit has been used as a healing herb in the Himalayas since biblical times because of the wide range of benefits it provides...
However, Shilajit’s most powerful properties are:
• Increasing your testosterone
• Boosting your energy levels
• Increasing your strength and muscle mass.
What makes Primavie Shilajit special is its ability to INCREASE testosterone in healthy men who DON’T have low testosterone…
A study was done on 75 men ages 45-55 years old with normal testosterone levels.
That bump in testosterone also translated into having more energy and being in a better mood for the men in this study!
Remember, that study was done in men who DID NOT have low testosterone… so just imagine what it can do for you.
PrimaVie Shilajit combined with strength training increases mens muscular strength,and muscle mass.
Maca powder has been used for centuries in Peru to increase sex drive, boost energy levels, and improve sexual performance in men…
But what most people don’t know is that Maca has a powerful estrogen blocking plant compound in it named Diindolylmethane (DIM).
In upgraded Testosterone we use a MacaXtra which has proven to be 4x more potent that any other Maca on the market.
That means with MacaXtra you get 4x the energy, mood boosting sexual health and estrogen blocking benefits.
This is an all natural blend of seven different plant compounds that improve your erections and sexual performance by boosting nitric oxide…
A 2006 study named “The Role Of Nitric Oxide In Erectile Dysfunction: Implications For Medical Therapy” concluded:
“Nitric Oxide is an essential mediator of erectile function, and impaired Nitric Oxide bioactivity is associated with ED.”
S7 has been clinically proven to increase your body's own production of Nitric Oxide (NO) by 230%...
Here's the Upgraded Testosterone label so you can see each ingredient and the exact amounts used:
All you have to do is take two capsules of Upgraded Testosterone with 8-12 ounces of water in the morning on an
empty stomach to look, feel and perform your best as a
"As a man, I love to get the best science-based ingredients to boost free and total testosterone while enhancing mental and physical energy, heart health, blood flow, workout performance, workout recovery and overall daily output — all in one transformational product.
Upgraded T replaced my entire men's health stack with just 2 capsules a day! You can't beat clinically studied ingredients and evidence-based dosing for a T booster that's safe, pure, and highly-effective. I recommend Upgraded T for any guy looking to skyrocket their performance."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fon Walters
Co-Founder of Choq, LLC
Age 46
"Just wanted to shoot you a quick note on how I’ve felt the past month of being a beta tester for Upgraded T. I’ve tried quite a few supplements over the years and NOTHING has ever made me feel this on my game as a guy…I’m sleeping better, my appetite is higher and I’ve been getting leaner while noticing my strength and muscle mass increase.
I have noticeably more drive, energy and confidence than I’ve had in the past. I can’t wait to see what my results are like 6 months down the road by consistently using Upgraded T. Thanks again for letting me test out upgraded T man! I’m hooked."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Eric Anderson
Kona IronMan Competitor
Age 37
Just imagine waking up everyday feeling:
• Frisky more often without slumps in your sex drive…
• Going for what you want in life without second guessing yourself…
• Seeing a physique you’re proud of everyday in the mirror…
• Quickly falling asleep and wake up feeling energized and refreshed…
• Taking control of life instead of letting it pass you by..
• Having the confidence to perform in the bedroom when the mood strikes without needing to rely on a little blue pill…
That doesn’t have to be a dream anymore…
And I don’t want you to miss out on this potent formula for one more day…
But, I’m going to level with you… Using scientifically proven ingredients in the right dose is not cheap...
Normally a one month supply of Upgraded Testosterone sells for $129 per bottle…
But don’t worry, that isn’t the price for you today…
By reading this far you’ve proven that you take your health and well being seriously…
And your commitment to bettering yourself as a man is going to be rewarded. On this page today you can secure an INSTANT $32 SAVINGS on one bottle of Upgraded Testosterone...
If we do run out…
It could be another three months before we have more Upgraded Testosterone back on the shelves.
As long as you’re one of the first 157 people who order today you’ll be able to order up to SIX bottles of Upgraded Testosterone at 25%-46% OFF.
And I’m so confident it will change your life as a man that I’m giving you an insane deal on this product with an unbeatable 100 day guarantee...
"I’ve tried quite a few supplements over the years and NOTHING has ever made me feel this on my game as a guy…I’m sleeping better, my appetite is higher and I’ve been getting leaner while noticing my strength and muscle mass increase.
Each day I have noticeably more drive, energy and confidence than I’ve had in the past. I can’t wait to see what my results are like 6 months down the road by consistently using Upgraded T. Thanks again for letting me test out upgraded T man! I’m hooked."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alex Mcahon
Age 33
"I have tried the Upgraded T and was very impressed having been on testosterone replacement therapy for about 10 years now, I found it quite lacking.
However After adding Upgraded T, I felt like I did in my 20s. I had more stamina, endurance, energy, strength in the gym and increased libido.
A simple recommendation doesn't do Upgraded T Justice."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Brian Brown
Age 55
• Get the spark and spontaneity back in your sex life
• Ditch worrying about performance issues in the bedroom
• Reclaim the energy, drive and confidence that’s been missing
• Ignite your metabolism to lose stubborn fat
• Look like a strong man who lifts weights
Upgraded Testosterone has the only 5 ingredients PROVEN in clinical studies to help you do all the above and more…
I Guarantee you’ll start feeling and seeing a difference within a matter of weeks of using Upgraded Testosterone.
To make sure you’re even more confident in your decision to grab Upgraded Testosterone today…
I want you to know that you’re protected by our 100 Day Full Refund Guarantee.
That means you can test out Upgraded Testosterone for a full 100 days to make sure it delivers on what I promise.
If you’re not 100% satisfied simply shoot us an email, and we’ll put every penny back in your hands with zero hassle or headaches.
All you need to do to try Upgraded Testosterone Risk Free is look below and choose the best option for yourself and click the button to complete your 100% secure order on the next page…
I hope after everything I’ve shared we can both agree that things won’t get any better unless you make a change...
Because there’s only two paths you can take after reading this page…
The first path is to just ignore the root of the problem and brush off your symptoms as a “natural part of aging”...
Over time you'll you’ll be less interested in sex, and will stop waking up with “morning wood.”
Performance issues in the bedroom will start to happen more frequently.
You’ll feel constantly drained and less confident when you need it most.
And you’ll notice that you enjoy life less overall.
Now, you can keep following this path and just wait for things to get worse over the weeks and months… OR
On this path …
You’ll have the energy and drive to show up as the man you want to be in your relationships, work and the bedroom.
You’ll leave younger men in the dust that you used to struggle to keep up with.
You’ll have the confidence to go for what you want in life without second guessing yourself.
You’ll be visiting the bedroom more often and surprising your partner with your stamina and ability to “go again.”
You’ll feel rejuvenated and have a sense of renewed confidence.
Now, I can’t make the decision for you - but I sincerely hope the second path is what you choose for yourself today.
In reality, the second path is what I know we all want as men…
So make sure to grab Upgraded Testosterone below and click the “Add to cart” button to secure your order at the lowest price you’ll ever see!
Barton Scott
Founder of Upgraded Formulas